top | report | presentation (PDF) | article (Ja.) | white list | black list | watch tool | applyers | Q&A | blog (Ja.) | links | history | contact |
Published the HTML <PRE> tag versions (long lines should be horizontally scrolled) of the rejection log extracting script in the report page and the rejection log sorting script in the watch tool page additionally to the former plain text versions (long lines are folded). | |
Informed on the top page about the essays on Facebook. | |
Added the notification "Be sure to read before applying" to the index at the top of the report page. | |
Announced my publication "Blocking 97% of abuse e-mail -- Essence of S25R" in the top page (only the Japanese page). | |
Revised the policy of the published black list. | |
Published the black list information. | |
In the page of the rejection log sorting script, described that you can freely alter this script and publish your alteration. | |
In the decscription sample of the /etc/postfix/helo_restrictions file in the report, revised so that an illegal HELO address is rejected even if it is an IP address enclosed by brackets. | |
Revised the rejection log sorting script. (Revised the egrep expression considering a possible change of the log format of Postfix.) | |
Revised the link to s25rtarpitgreylist. | |
Revised the link to XMailCFG. | |
Version up of the rejection log sorting script. (Made it extract all of rejection recode with "4XX".) Updated A2-6 in the Q&A page according to the above version up. |
Added No. 13 to the voices of the applyers. | |
Added No. 12 to the voices of the applyers. | |
In the page of the rejection log sorting script, revised the explanation of the "estimated message count" data. | |
Revised A1-6 in the Q&A page. | |
Added Q/A2-6 in the Q&A page. | |
Restructured the web pages. | |
In the report, revised comment lines in the "rejections" file so that the vi editor doesn't warn. | |
Revised the code of the rejection log sorting script. (The name of the variable "prev_rec" has been changed into "prev_triplet". The action of the script is the same.) | |
In the page of the rejection log sorting script, added the explanation about access mode configuration of the mail log files. | |
Updated the explanation of the Rule 0 in section 3.1 in the report. | |
Published the page of "When your mail is blocked by S25R...". | |
Updated Q/A2-4 in the Q&A page so that it explains how to permit clients authenticated by the SMTP authentication. | |
Published the English translation of the slides for the lecture. | |
Removed "/\.vh\.plala\.or\.jp$/" out of the white list sample in the report because they have been found to be unrelated with other than the users. | |
Linked XMailCFG (for Windows). | |
Linked s25rtarpitgreylist of Kimagure PC hiroba (Whimsy PC plaza). | |
Revised the practical white list examples in the report. | |
In the report, revised Rule 1 to avoid trapping IPv6 addresses. | |
Improved the code of the rejection log sorting script. (Made it have a switch to suppress single access records; made it use the -k option of the sort command.) | |
Revised the practical white list examples in the report. | |
In the page of the rejection log sorting script, revised the explanation for finding mistaken rejection against a legitimate mail server. | |
In the report, changed the regular expressions part "adsl" in Rule 6 into "[achrsvx]?dsl". In the report, deleted the black list item "/^xdsl.+\.dialog\.net\.pl$/" because Rule 6 has been changed. |
In the report, revised the black list specification of the domain in the configuration. | |
Improved the code of the rejection log sorting script. (It displays the estimated number of messages.) | |
In the report, changed the configuration so that the former client restriction condition file is divided into a white list file and a rejection condition file. | |
In the report, changed the configuration in order to return a more considerate message to mail relay servers without a reverse name. | |
Corrected the explanation about the generic protection rule 3 in the subsection 3.1 in the report. | |
Removed the practical black list entry example of "" domain in the configuration file (Appendix A.) in the report because abuse mail doesn't come from that domain nowadays. | |
Added practical black list entry examples into the configuration file (Appendix A.) in the report. | |
Added practical white list entry examples and practical black list entry examples into the configuration file (Appendix A.) in the report. | |
Published the Q&A. | |
In the report, changed the rejection messages in the configuration (Appendix A.) to avoid worrying good senders. In the report, deleted the explanation of an idea which is similar to the domain authentication because I don't think it is useful information. |
Corrected words in the report. | |
Downloading of the white list file has been enabled in the white list information page. | |
Corrected the rejection log sorting script. ("\" in the regular expression "[^\]]" is unnecessary, although it causes no problems.) | |
Corrected the regular expressions in the report. ("\" in "[^\.] is unnecessary, although it causes no problems.) Made mention of bots in the report. Supplemented the false positive rate in the report. Supplemented automatic whitelisting technology in the report. |
Linked Mr. KAWAMATA's MailUtl3. | |
Linked Mr. SATOH Kiyosi's taRgrey. | |
Published the S25R miscellaneous information blog. | |
Linked Mail Proof Keeper by Cyber System Research Institute. Linked Mr. SATOH Kiyosi's Starpit. |
Linked Mr. ITO Masahiko's smtp_wrapper. Added No. 11 to the voices of the applyers. |
Added No. 10 to the voices of the applyers. | |
Added No. 9 to the voices of the applyers. | |
Added No. 8 to the voices of the applyers. | |
Linked Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi's Qgrey. | |
Linked Mr. HONJO's Becky! S25R spam filter. | |
Linked my essay "How to discard more than 90% of spam messages automatically using Becky!". | |
Added No. 7 to the voices of the applyers. | |
Published the voices of the applyers (No. 1 to 6). | |
In the subsection 3.3 in the report, supplemented explanation about the search order of client address conditions. | |
In the subsection 3.2 in the report, made mention of rounding up hostnames which include a hexadecimal number. | |
Described the system name in the report. Added match rates of the check conditions into the statistics description in the report. Described the HELO command check file sample in the report. Correcting some explanations and words in the report. |
Improved the code of the rejection log sorting script. (It displays the number of messages tried to transfer.) | |
I named this anti-spam system "Selective SMTP Rejection (S25R)". (Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi counseled me to name it.) | |
Revised the code of the rejection log sorting script. (The name of the variable "latest_month" has been changed into "max_month_num", which describes the accurate meaning. The action of the script is the same.) | |
Linked Mr. HIROSHIMA Naoki's qmail patch. | |
Linked Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi's report (Japanese). | |
Revised the rejection log sorting script. | |
Published the white list information. | |
Published the rejection log sorting script. Linked the Business Communication magazine report (Japanese). |
Published the report. |
top | report | presentation (PDF) | article (Ja.) | white list | black list | watch tool | applyers | Q&A | blog (Ja.) | links | history | contact |