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White list information

   Here is white list information for permitting legitimate mail servers which are mistakenly rejected by the S25R anti-spam system.

White list file for downloading
Last update: Mar 25, 2024
In case you make your server download it periodically, please avoid downloading it more frequently than once a day.

   When you start to operate the S25R anti-spam system in your site, or while operating it, pick up configuration lines of hosts which you decide to permit beforehand, and copy them into the white list file shown in the report.
   Or you can put the downloaded white-list.txt file under the /etc/postfix directory and specify it in the /etc/postfix/main.cf file as follows:

smtpd_client_restrictions =
  check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/white-list.txt,
  check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/white_list,
  check_client_access regexp:/etc/postfix/rejections

Request for information
   When you find (or if you have) a legitimate mail server which is mistakenly blocked by the S25R anti-spam system, please report to me.

   I don't intend to expose and criticize mail servers whose reverse lookup fails. I request nothing of administrators of sender's domains for convenience of the S25R anti-spam system. This white list information is just for keeping good senders and recipients from trouble by introducing the S25R anti-spam system.
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